Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 9 Grand Canyon

Day 9 Grand Canyon

Turns out if you get to a national park at the crack of dawn, before they even open, you can just stroll in without paying a penny. This would had been nice to know before.... I even had an educational fee waiver, which i worked my butt off to get, and I didn't even get to flash it! We spent the night just outside the entrance in the car and then at 7am just rolled in. Grand Canyon was breathtaking. Never seen anything so... well.. grand. It's so vast. Just keeps going and going. BUT... I have to say that the views from the rim just get dry after maybe 20 minutes. It's all so beautiful don't get me wrong... but it all starts to look the same from up top. And we didn't have time to climb and hike any of the trails down into the actual canyon. Not to mention it was a bitter 20 degrees for a good portion of the day... and it only gets colder the further down the canyon one goes. Overall the experience was well worthwhile, but have to say Zion NP trumps Grand Canyon ten times over. We're headed to Joshua tree now at 7pm and have some grocery stops in between. Hope yo arrive around 1am and sleep in the car. Found out that Jtree apparently has hot springs... so... kinda REALLY excited about that. If anything it'll be nice to take a bath in them and wash my hair and clean the grit from between my toes. I know you're cringing at that last sentence but that's ok you'll get over it.

Keep in touch! Be writing here again soon hopefully!

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