Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Days 4-5 Arches NP

FINALLY FOUND INTERNET!!! A small, quant little cafe in Springfield Utah (host town of Zion National Park) has internet for a half hour for free so I'm trying to write fast before I have to start to pay so excuse any errors or typos because I'm not going to proof this... So deal with it:)

It's been an AWESOME week thus far to say the VERY least. From Colorado we headed straight to Arches National Park. Our expectations were for awesomeness, and we got nothing less than just that. It was more than we coulda expected. It was plain beautiful. We looked for campsites on location inside the park but that costs money... go figure. We're poor college kids and have no money. What we do have however is spunk and creativity. We exited the park and no more than 30 feet from the park we found a back, dirt road to no where. We ended up setting up camp and pitching the tent not 50 yards from the fence line to the park. It was far more beautiful than the campgrounds the park had to offer AND it was free AND we got away with having a campfire(s). It got as low as 15 degrees at night. The first night was just awful. We lasted about 5 hours in the tent before we got up, chilled to the bone, and re-stoked the fire. We ended up sleeping by it and actually building two more fires. That was our sleeping method from there out. Sleeping by the fire. Random sparks would put holes in various sleeping equipment, but it was well worth not freezing out butts off in a tent in well below freezing temperatures. Our bodies became more acclimated to the extreme cold and the following night, while just as cold, we slept much better.
The park was just gorgeous. It's called Aches for a reason. There are the most incredible arches, created just form ages of wind and water. We spent a whole day exploring and climbing, and obviously taking photos.

Next stop: Zion NP

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